Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello 2012!

Happy New Year!!  2012 should be an awesome year and we have a bazillion things we want to accomplish!  Here's our list of goals for the new year:

My personal goals are to sleep more, exercise more, and eat less.  That is so much easier said than done!  I always try to cram a ton of things into a tiny space of like 24 hours, so I am always running around.  I really need to work on pacing myself and taking care of myself, and letting everything else fall into place.

For the business, we have set a lot of goals.  The first is to update and refresh both our blogger site and our webpage!  We want to put our best foot forward for our customers to see. 

Weddings!  We love photographing weddings and just do not get to do them enough in our area.  To change this and reach our wedding goal for the year, we have to complete the next goal of - Marketing!!  This is a big one.  I seriously want to canvas the area locally and branch out across the state.  No joke. 

Slideshows.  Yes, we want to incorporate more of these.  I'm learning.  And I found an awesome website to help me out. 

Again with the webpage.  Everyone has a smart phone these days, so guess what?  We need to make our webpage compatable with those too. 

And last but not least - Shooting!  Yes, we really want to keep practicing and working on our lighting techniques to be the best we can be.  We want to continue to grow and be creative. 

Look out 2012!  We are ready and determined!!

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