This is Jimmy. He is a sweet boy with special needs and is very camera shy. I'm not sure if he has ever had professional pictures done, but I know his family was really worried if he would be able to cooperate for me. I even had some concerns because I hate scaring kids with my giant black camera and large flashes. But I kind of let Jimmy do his thing, and the end result was that we got fabulous pictures! His aunt and I worked really hard to make him laugh by talking about everything from Spongebob to boogers in our nose, and by the end of the session, he was a pro. This picture was one of the first ones of him that I snapped, and I knew it was going to be a breeze after this.
I am so glad that I get to share in capturing emotions like these. This is what my job is all about! Thanks for letting me get to know you Jimmy.
For more fabulous pictures this week, head on over to I Heart Faces by clicking on the button below: