Monday, September 19, 2011

A Touch of Light

So I swore that I was going to get some sessions done and posted on the blog this week, but that didn't happen.  LOL.  I did crazy amounts of shooting last week - like a session every day, and on some days 2 sessions - so I have massive amounts of editing and uploading to do.  Ya for me!  I am so thankful for my customers and love that they are keeping me this busy.  I did post quite a few peeks on my fb page, so click on the link in the upper right corner of this page to go check them out. 

In the meantime, it is somehow time already for another iheartfaces challenge, and I knew that I absolutely had to enter this one!!!   It is one of my favorites that I have taken recently, and the best part about it is that is SOOC (straight out of camera for those of you non-photography folks).  All I did to it was convert it from a raw file to a jpeg using Lightroom.  Man, I am proud of this one.  It's one of those pics that lets me know I'm going in the right direction with where I want to be in my work.  There is something about that one strand of hair that got away that keeps me staring at this picture.  It's magical to me.  We were lucky to have such a beautiful afternoon that day. 

So mosey on over to to check out more awesome pics, and I promise I'll get more posted on here this week.