Sunday, May 1, 2011

Soft & Sweet

It's that time of the week again for another photo challenge.  This week's theme is a bit vague in that we are only given the parameters of "soft" and "sweet".  It can be conveyed through the image, subject, editing, composition, etc. 

I love these challenges because they force me to think outside of my normal comfort zone and to come up with pictures pretty quickly.  I have another challenge this week in that I have been travelling and I do not have my normal cache of pictures to pull from.  However, I did catch this beautiful picture of my friend's baby sleeping through our daughters' dance class.  She is just the most gorgeous little one, and I thought this was the perfect picture.

Head on over to iheartfaces to see everyone's beautiful and creative entries!


  1. Aww! Love sleeping babies :) So sweet

  2. it IS the perfect picture - so precious! soft and sweet, for sure!

  3. what a gorgeous sweet!

  4. I am in <3 with this picture! So beautiful! I love extreme close up shots of babies sleeping!

  5. Such a sweet little face - and gorgeous eyelashes!! Beautiful!!

  6. Oh I think that one is a winner- so perfect for the prompt!

  7. soft and sugary sweet for sure!!!!!!!! i heart!
