Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Website!! New Website!! New Website!! :)

Can you tell that we are super duper excited??!!

After countless hours of laboring, the new website is finally up!  It has been a long road and a tedious task.  Everything on there has been created by moi, so all of the backgrounds that you see are collages put together from scratch in photoshop.  I have this idea of an organic look that I wanted ever since I snapped pics of our kids blowing dandelions in the wind last year.  I love the look and template of my blogger site, and tried to recreate it in the format that worked for our website.  I love the flash slideshows and the galleries.  It has been really difficult choosing what images to put into those galleries!

When I said it was like birthing a baby, I was not kidding.  SO much time, work, and effort has gone into this.  I TOTALLY understand now why web design is so expensive.  I would not have done this for anyone else without getting paid some serious $$$.  At least I have been able to save that money and learned a lot in the process.  I can even write some of my own HTML code. ;)

I spent about 12 hrs today just trying to get the site up and active.  Seriously.  12 hrs just today.  My poor kids.  We put Disney movies on all day and they lounged about while I had 2 computers going at the same time trying to get this all published.  When we thought it was all ready, we uploaded, crossed our fingers, held our breath, and drum roll......rrrrrrrrr.....everyone gathered around the computer.....and nothing.  Sigh.

Ever see Christmas Vacation?  Ya, that was us.  Like multiple times.  We would get all excited and nothing would happen.  After multiple google searches, Dan's computer expertise, several phone calls, and many live chat help sessions with our hosting service, we finally figured out the problem. They had to enable a public view folder.  That's it.  One little folder.   Everyone else was/is asleep, so I got all excited by myself, crossed my fingers again, held my breath, and clicked on it, AND IT WORKED!!  Then I cried!  Yep.  Just like birthing a baby.  After all that work, it's finally here.  And I am thrilled.  So thrilled in fact, that I had to go wake everyone up! So without further ado, here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!! Congrats on getting the website up and running!!
