Here are my other pics that I considered for entry in this week's challenge. It's a bit strange to see them all put together in this fashion because there is no consistency to the edititng. Some of them were meant to be individual portraits, and the dandelion portrait is part of another set that I did with my kids a few weeks ago. So colors, textures, and style are all over the place.
I seriously debated submiting the dandelion picture, and that was even my husband's first choice. However, there were many entries that looked like this, or were at least similar in concept, so I thought it was best to avoid this. I also love the one with Mackenzie's hair blowing all crazy! Her expression is great, but again, this seemed to be a common theme. In the end, I still chose one with blowing hair, but the way the swing cuts diagonally across the picture made it interesting.
Then there is the Super DrewMan. He is so stinkin' cute! Look at this face in this pic!! I love his expression and almost entered this, but I didn't feel his cape showed enough "wind". I even offered to get out a fan to help blow it, but he said Super DrewMan was fast enough that he didn't need a fan!
This led to my lil super hero then running around in circles.
This was my first choice for the competition since he really had that cape a flying! Dan disagreed because you can't see his face clearly. Typing this blog post, I almost wish I could change entries because I have fallen in love with this picture all over again. It just screams childhood innocence to me. It also looks very different from some of the other entries.
This set is just too cute! His cape, his super hero shirt, and his lack of glasses make me giggle. (Ya know, Superman doesn't wear his glasses when he flies Moooom!)
Then there is this pic:
For some reason where we live, we hardly ever get wind. Really. Unless there is a storm a comin', it is just hot, humid, and calm. I thought about flying balloons, and flying kites, but our lack of wind makes any kite flying attempts a disaster. Then I thought about
Mila's Daydreams. (I think a lot of the pics are taken down off of her blog now b/c of copyright issues :( but they were these amazing pics taken from above while her baby daughter napped. She used fabric to create these great scenes. Check it out.) I thought it would be a brilliant idea to try this with my kids. HAHAHA! Right! My kids wiggle and move.
I spent a bit laying this whole thing out thinking I could make "fake wind" and create the illusion that it was blowing. Of course I'm doing all this while my hubby is laboring over washing the cars. My kids, who normally love to take pics, were much more intrigued by getting to play in the water and "help" wash the cars (aka squirt anything and everything in sight). There was no lying still for pics. See Kenzie's wet hair?? Ya, I got 2 clicks. That's it. 2 crummy shots with Kenzie making a face in one, and Drew making a face in the other. And then they were up and back in the water. Ah, such is life, right? Even with the faces, and the wrong angle, I still LOVE the colors on this pic. Can we say my new D3 rocks!!!??? (Oh ya, more on that later.) Again, I almost submitted, but Dan thought it was awful, so I didn't submit it. So much stress for a little photo challenge!
So here is my hodpodge collection of pictures. I love them all. I love my children. And when anyone asks us what did we do over the weekend and we say, "Nothing really. The usual." This is what we are doing.